Monday, August 09, 2004

It has been a rather interesting day. Very hectic, and lots of things happening. It seems like my life is destined to be very full. Which is good, because it keeps me out of trouble. But its also bad because I find myself feeling a little overwhelmed from time to time.

My boss is getting back into the groove of things again. That's good news, but again it will mean re-adjusting my approach. It is only now that he's reining me in, calling a halt to my ceaseless pursuit of a new direction for Central Water. He knows where I want to go, and he wants to go there too, but he's acting like the boss again, and setting different priorities. I like that, and feel better to know that he's examining the situation critically. However there is some melancholy in having my designs thwarted.

After all that though, I got a great surprise tonight. My parents came to visit me!! I was late at the office. Murray and I were engaged in another of our marathon discussions of the future of Central Water, myself, himself, and all things great and philosophical. They are stimulating conversations because we're both passionate about the future of the company, and see a lot of potential for everyone as we move forward. He has stuff he wants, and I have stuff I want, and we're going to be advancing all things as we begin a new fiscal year in September.

I will have more news about the future direction for myself later in the week. Murray is going to speak to the accountant and see where things sit. I may finally get the security I have always lusted for. Stay tuned for more news on that.

But for now, my great surprise. I was just wrapping up to leave for home when my Mom came through the front door of Central Water. I was shocked, but really happy. They'd been in Nipawin for my dad's latest golfing adventure. When the morning dawned, he realized it was too cold and rainy for him to enjoy the experience, so he simply aborted. They went back to Weekes to visit and then, instead of trekking home, they came to see me.

I thought it was great! I've been away for awhile and it was nice to see them. I love my family. I am glad we are close, and see each other often. Its straining when long stretches of time passes without contact. I've never quite understood other people's desire to flee their family. I suppose its looking for independence and their own voice, but I've never felt that way myself. Life with them was better than life without them. I was very glad to see them tonight.

And that was it. I entertained my parents visit, although I didn't do much. I showed my Dad my high definition TV, and he was impressed with the clarity. My Mom did what she likes, which is making supper and looking after things. Now the evening will wrap with everyone getting some sleep. I am thrilled they came to see me and wish it could have been longer. But I will see them again on the weekend when I go home, so it will not be a long wait.

Thanks for listening everyone. I know this was less flashy than some of my entries, but the occasional homily for my own benefit will be required from time to time. Have a great night and I hope to see all of you real soon.


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