Saturday, October 21, 2006

I've had enough!

I still and watch TV at night. And every night I'm subjected to the same damn thing. I'm sick of it. It has to go.

I'm referring to this Rogers Wireless commercial. The guy is with his buddies at a diner. He's on the phone with his girlfriend. And in a touching moment he goes to end the conversation and says 'I love you.' Then there is this awful, pregnant pause as he waits for her response.


After going all mooshy in the knees, the girl replies that she loves him too. All of the tension in the overly dramatic pause is gone, and everyone is happy again.

Except me.

I hate this commercial so much. If the damn girl cared at all about the guy, she wouldn't pause for 2/3 of a standard 30 second commercial before answering her supposed 'love'. And damn Rogers for subjecting us to such overwrought hystrionics.

Bring on the beer commercials.

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