Tuesday, January 15, 2008

This is just about the coolest thing that ever happened!

We had a mini-blizzard today. It was no terror or anything. Starting sometime overnight we had snow and a howling wind. It rose to a crescendo about 10:00 or 11:00 this morning. When I went for lunch at noon it was going pretty good. I've seen worse but it was a pretty good snowstorm.

Funny thing about going for lunch. When I came back I saw the funniest thing. There were two cop cars and a tow truck on Idylwyld heading south. This was approximately at Wheatheart. There, buried deep in the ditch was a Hummer H3. I guess they can't go through everything.

Back to the story.

I came home tonight at 9:30. I was kinda dreading it because there was a lot of snow on the road and frankly, I was fearing a big set of snow drifts in my driveway. But it was clean! Completely free! At first I thought maybe the wind has been such that it blew clean. But that was not the truth. Someone with a snow blower had seen fit to blow out my driveway. The whole thing. I am shocked, amazed, and quite humbled. I don't know why anyone would would do that for me.

But there it is, plain as anything. My driveway is clear and I don't have an hour's shovelling to do tomorrow. So, if whoever blew out my driveway is reading this, I bid you a hearty THANK YOU! I definitely appreciate it.

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