Wednesday, June 23, 2004

So, I hit a deer today.

I had just left the Gordon Indian reserve, on my way to the Muskowekwan Indian Reserve. I was in a hurry, since the meeting at Gordon ran WAY long. It was quarter to twelve before I made it back to the highway, and cell phone coverage. I started down the highway, a little irritated because I wouldn't make it to Muskowekwan before lunch. I really didn't want to hang around outside the water plant for an hour or more, waiting for operators to return after lunch.

I'm coming down the highway and this deer head pops up out of the grass. I instinctively brake, as anyone would. But the deer doesn't appear to want to come up onto the road. As I get close, it breaks into a dead run, in the same direction that I am travelling.

I don't quite understand what this deer's motivation was. A dead sprint through the tall grass in the ditch, in parallel with me. I slow down from normal highway speed, but he's staying in the ditch so I don't come to a stop. Then, as we reach the congruence of our velocities, this stupid animal decides to make the break for the opposite side of the road.

I slammed on the brakes but that was of little consequence. Squish, squish goes the deer as I pile into it, primarily with the front, driver side, quarter panel. This whole process took about 5 seconds, but the results remain imprinted into my vehicle.

Fun for me. I just LOVE dealing with SGI. Why is it we're not hunting these animals to extinction?


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