Tuesday, June 22, 2004

As some of you may know, I have a big yard. Before it was all conjecture when the question was posed, how big is it? Now I have a definitive answer.

Last night I yanked my GPS out of my truck. (no mean feat considering the mount I purchased for it) I reset it to zero and roamed around my backyard, taking distance measurements.

(As a sidebar I should mention that I did end up getting a kid to cut my grass. I was toiling in my front yard and this little guy comes over and offers to do it for me. $10 per cut. Its a fair price, considering the 90 square acres I have in the back.)

Back to your originally scheduled blog entry. The dimensions of my yard (when we average the discrepancies) are 28.1 meters from rear of the house to the back fence. Width between fence on either side is 12.1 meters. For those of you not keen on doing the math, I'll add that too. It gives me a back yard only size of 340 square meters, or a whopping 3660 square feet. This does not include any front yard, the driveway, or the plot the house sits on. All that excluded, my yard is still HUGE!!!

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