Friday, September 03, 2004

Can someone PLEASE explain this to me!?!

I wanted to wash my truck today at lunch. I like to get a wash in on Friday's, before heading into the city, just so my vehicle gets the dirt and dust cleaned off on a regular basis, and so it looks nice when I'm in town. I tend to 'go out' only on weekends, so a Friday wash works for me.

So, I get to the car wash at twenty to one this afternoon. That should be lots of time, even if there's people washing their vehicles. There were two in the bay, and two waiting, when I pulled up. However, one car was ready to go in, just as I took a place in line.

She washed her vehicle for twenty minutes. TWENTY MINUTES!!! And it wasn't dirty! And by saying that I mean, there were no boulder sized chunks of mud on the car. Which is an important stipulation to make because, someone with boulder sized junks of mud had obviously been in there this morning, because the chunks were all over the floor. (thus dragging the hose through the mud the whole time, and getting my shoes and pant legs muddy)

Just round, and round, and round she went with the rinse. She must have put 10 dollars into the thing for just rinses. Meanwhile the clock is ticking away, and now its after lunch, and not during. Of course my annoyance level goes up simultaneously. I finally got my truck washed but it was quarter after one when I was done.

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