Tuesday, September 21, 2004

I am officially depressed.

I got up this morning with some reluctance. I'm not sleeping as well as I'd like. I seem to wake up before I have to, and there's no going back to sleep. That's not the depressing part.

I did my usual routine, and was ready to leave for work at 7:55. I opened the door and went outside.

My windows were frosted over. Its September 21 and I HAD to scrap. All windows not directly facing sunlight were completely covered in frost. I had no choice but to scrap.

I consider this depressing. I would like to think we could still entertain the notion of wearing shorts. Instead we get frosted windows. I hate that. I'd go back to bed and pull the covers over my head, but I'd just lie there thinking about how rotten it is that my windows have to be scrap.

I wanna blame someone for this situation. Anyone know a good receptor for my anger?

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