Tuesday, March 29, 2005

I was just sitting here, watching a show that had a segment that covered the growth of the internet through the late 90's. Now for some reason, this brought to my mind an almost completely unrelated question.

Rather than develop new games for the limited hardware of something like the Gameboy Advance, why not buy up the existing software for games that have become extinct on the computer platform?

Given the level of complexity that the Gameboy Advance is capable of, there should be a wealth of really cool games from the late nineties. For instance:

Commander Keen
Rise Of The Triad
about a hundred sport or driving games

This is all software that was developed for systems that are less powerful than you can now get in a handheld. The key to success for any gaming platform is having games you can play. Why not scavenge from something that already exists?

Just a thought.

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