Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I was watching a movie this afternoon and had a question. For those that are interested, it was 'How To Deal' starring the effervescent Mandy Moore. Her musical endeavours may be a bit saccharine (I actually favor her) but her acting skills are quite good.

So as part of the funeral scene the crowd mills around outside the church. It starts to rain. Everyone covers their head with the program from the ceremony.

Why!?! What is this compulsion we have to protect our heads from moisture? You're standing out in the rain with no more than a folded 8-1/2x11 sheet of paper and your first instinct is to cover your head. Isn't this absolutely retarded? What kind of protection is a sheet of paper from rain? And what good is keeping a square on your head dry, when everything else about you is soaked to the skin?

If anyone knows the answer, you know where to reach me.

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