Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I'm turtle-sitting right now.

They are now cleaning the turtle tank we keep in our office. It gets really dirty, really fast, so rather frequently it has to be drained, and then cleaned. That's happening right now. This time they've taken the turtles right out of the tank to clean the walls.

They were in a pail next to my desk. The one is really aggressive, while the other is passive, so turtle A was pushing turtle B around the small pail. That didn't seem fair so I put turtle B on my desk.

He got adventurous and walked right off the edge.

He seems no worse for wear. I built a little wall now, so he shouldn't get any more ideas about walking off the desk. I'm keeping my eye on him too. We don't need a repeat, desk diving, experience.

More on the turtles as news becomes available.

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