Thursday, July 07, 2005

What the hell is wrong with people?

This is a classic example of why people should be hunted for sport. It also serves to indicate why some of my 'alleged' anger problem is, in fact, justified.

This also serves to illustrate how easy it is to forget the irritation of urban driving.

But now to the story . . .

I'm driving on Circle Drive. Which, for anyone that knows, is always a bit of a lesson in frustration during the summer, as the city seems pre-disposed to screw with this road every summer. We are stopped at the intersection that is currently recieving construction right now. The whole place is an utter cluster-bomb of disorganization. Rather than be the Mr. Wizard that everyone else is choosing to be, I just stay behind the big truck ahead of me, and decide to wait it out. The light changes and we go through the intersection.

The lane from College Drive merges into Circle Drive after the intersection in question. And predictably enough someone wants to merge from College onto Circle Drive. Now keep in mind my comments from above about the Mr. Wizard phenomenon and how I chose to stay behind the big rig. The consequence to this is, NO ONE is behind me. I use the emphasis of capitals to make a significant point. Ther is no one within vision range, in the lane behind me.

Can anyone guess what behaviour is witnessed by the dumb bitch driver of the red mini-van to my left? Survey says . . . !?!?!?!

You guessed it, she HAD to cut in FRONT of me. I'm bloody near inside the cargo trailer of this truck, because he is going slow, and this Captain Calamity really must be in the lane ahead of me. The idiot sow basically cut me off, getting in, in front of me. I just about slammed my brakes and got out of the vehicle to point out how much territory was available BEHIND me. But nope, she had to slip into the micrometer of space separating me from the cold steel of the back of this cargo trailer.

People irritate me.

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