Friday, September 16, 2005

Does anyone just USE software anymore? Do we have to screw with it all the time?

I'm trying to play a video game tonight. Admittedly, I don't log on as often as some. Perhaps that is why I'm so annoyed by this. But I have to patch my game. Patch it to the tune of 65 MB. That seems a little excessive.

Can't they get it right the first time? Why do I need a 65 MB patch? That seems like a lot of repairing to something I'm paying a BOATLOAD of money for. With the monthly subscription we're well into the hundreds of dollars now.

Oh well, my patch is nearly done. I guess I'll go. Any software guys out there, maybe you can heed my plea and write more thorough code. But probably not, because we still keep buying the buggy crap.


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