Saturday, October 08, 2005

Not all of you are going to know what I'm talking about, as I launch into this rant. Nonetheless it irritated me for about the thousandth time tonight, so I'm going to write it down.

Why the hell can't the stupid TV be pointed in a direction that would make it possible to see it decently from the bar? I'm standing behind the bar and I can just see enough of the Rider game to tease me. The stupid TV is twisted in the other direction for some asinine reason. It doesn't appear to have had any logic applied to it. The angle of the TV is NOT parallel to the wall on which it is affixed. And this is probably what irritates me the most. If they'd just installed it the at the same angle as the wall is cut, then I'd be able to see it just fine. But NOOOOO, we can't do that.

I swear they're doing it specifically to piss me off.

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