Monday, January 29, 2007

I have a question.

Do drinking straws really need to be individually wrapped? Yes, I know, its a hygiene thing. I understand the generic reason behind individually wrapping the straws. That's not my question. What I want to know is do we actually NEED that?

We seem to study any and every inane thing on the planet so I wanted to know, did someone do a study and determine that massive amounts of people were getting ill from germs acquired from drinking straws? It seems like a bit of a stretch to me that we might be passing germs on drinking straws. Only take one and don't share it. It seems pretty logical to me.

Do germs even last on a plastic drinking straw? I thought part of the point of a plastic straw was that it was fairly antiseptic. Am I wrong about this? It seems that everywhere I go, the straws are all individually wrapped. I wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't so damn hard to get the straw out of the wrapping. But the inordinate amount of time I've been needing to get at my straw has made me ask, do we really need this? Is society being advanced by drinking straw condoms? Is there value for the money here?

Inquiring minds want to know . . .

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