Friday, February 16, 2007

I have to tell someone about this because it just pissed me off so much.

I left my computer on last night. I had a couple of songs queued up but they weren’t actively downloading, so I figured I’d leave the computer running and see if they came down overnight. I got up this morning and my computer had rebooted. Windows, in its infinite wisdom, had seen fit to grab a patch, install it, and then conveniently re-boot my computer. Because its so painfully obvious that I want to re-boot whenever Windows thinks its appropriate.

God do I hate that. I wish Windows was a person, so I could wrap my hands around its neck and throttle it. If my computer is on then its on for a reason. I don’t WANT to reboot every stupid time it does something. Install a program, download a patch, change a setting, these do NOT raise within me a spontaneous desire to reboot. I hate rebooting! I’ll do it when I want, not because Windows thinks it should be done.

In short, Windows sucks.

The end.

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