Monday, May 14, 2007

Things That Piss Me Off:

I went into Quizno's the other day. I was in a bit of a hurry because I was on my way to an event and I was late leaving because I'd forgotten to tend to my cat. That's a long story I won't go into.

Anyway, I'm in Quizno's and in a hurry. Usually its pretty quick. Pick your sandwich, they make it, and meet the food at the register. That's what usually happens. Not this day.

What the hell is wrong with people? I get to the order desk and here's this family of morons, clogging up the aisle. They're standing square in front of the order window and not a single one of them can figure out what they want. Except the kid, who knows what he wants, but his mother is telling him that he can't have it. Then there's the old woman who absolutely insists that she'll pay for her own sandwich. This is even though you don't PAY at the order desk!

I'm standing there fuming and this band of bumbling idiots are practically reading the entire Quizno's menu board. Which, I have noted at previous instances is not all that voluminious. Nevertheless, when three idiots are all reading it, in something akin to the 'round' we used to do in third grade music, the list gets pretty damn wrong.

These Captain Wizards finally manage to get their food ordered, but that's just where the fun starts. Now we re-visit the old woman's insistence that she pay for her own meal. Oh, we also have to add salads to our meal now. Christ only knows why because when they get the bill for these collections we have to get the stupid price itemized. And we have to argue, parent to child, about the relative merit of milk versus Coca-Cola. The whole fiasco seems neverending.


1. Know what you want to order
2. If you don't know, get the hell out of the way of people that do.
3. Don't complain about the price
4. Don't change your order after she rings it up
5. And most important of all, if you're going to be an ASS in the sub store, don't make it such a cluster-bomb that no one else gets their sub delivered right either

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