Saturday, May 05, 2007

This is f$%king weak!

I'm listening to Americans call the hockey game tonight; Ottawa versus New Jersey. I'm watching the CBC and I'm listening to a really weak effort in sports commentating by a couple of Americans on a channel that probably 0.01% of the the US population is watching.

Meanwhile, CBC is probably getting some of their highest viewership of the entire year.

How much do we really ask of the CBC? Nobody watches the stupid channel anymore. They've populated the schedule with unwatchable dreck that nobody likes. Its all culture crap that doesn't really speak to our culture. Somehow they're missing the boat.

But they have hockey.

Every spring the CBC gets huge ratings because they show hockey. Its the one Canadian cultural event that they get right. But tonight they aren't getting right.

I want a tax rebate for this. Why do we subsidize the CBC if they screw up the ONLY thing we ask of them every year!?! This is not acceptable. We can't let this go unpunished. The Parliament can get up in arms about a 17 month old hockey issue. Here's one that's fresh and new and truly offensive to every Canadian.

We want OUR hockey! Not the stupid, pathetic crap they peddle on backwater channels in the US. Get it right. Do it now. Make it true and free and Canadian.


one pissed off Canadian

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