Thursday, June 07, 2007

I really can't believe I have to get upset about this. In a world with a myriad of problems, from wars to famine to disease, why is THIS at the head of the news world.

Paris Hilton is out of jail after 5 days.

In an ordinary world, someone beating a drunk driving rap probably wouldn't be that big a deal. I'll be this kind of thing happens. Its a petty, minor crime so they sweep the person out of the way to make room for bigger problems.

The trouble is, Paris Hilton is a bigger problem.

You can NOT just sweep this girl aside to make room for harsher criminals. As this has proven, the whole world is going to hear about justice as it pertains to this spoiled debutante. And in the spirit of justice you HAVE to make her serve the whole sentence. And not even the pansy-ass 23 days reduced sentence. She needs to go back to jail for the FULL 45 days.

Why do I care about this? Why does anyone care about this? Because it is about justice. If you let her have electronic monitoring at home, or just wash the slate clean with her sentence, she gets away with it. And everyone gets to see that the law doesn't necessary apply. That can't happen. Maybe its 'unfair' that she gets singled out for punishment. But her place in society makes it so. Everyone sees her. So the letter of the law has to apply to her.

Celebrity is a double edged sword. It makes you famous and you're opened up to a world of privilege that the rest of the world will never see. But it also holds you to a standard. Because everyone is watching, you have to play by the rules. If you choose not to play by the rules, then the punishment can, and should, come down on your neck like the blade of a guillotine. If you KNOW that everyone is watching, why would you think you could get away with it?

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