Friday, October 19, 2007

Do you know what pisses me off? There's this intersection near my house. There's lights on it and its a crossing of two important streets. Not 'major' in the grand scheme of the city, but large enough that there's always cars on them. Anyway, the street going north is 4 lanes on the south side of the intersection, and for all intents and purposes, two lanes on the north side. So inevitably, these ass clowns have to be in the outside lane because someone might be turning left from the inside one.

Tonight we had the king of the ass clown academy. And the really damn sad thing is, this guy is NOT the first person I've seen do this. There's a person turning left in the left lane, so Captain Calamity jumps into the right lane so he doesn't have to stop. But the guy turning left is able to turn left right away, so I barely have to slow down going through the intersection.

Major Nitwit of course, just HAS to be first through the intersection so he speeds up. Then, he immediately jumps back into the left lane and hits the brake. This moron now wants to turn left himself into a residential side street! What an arrogant prick! He's too important to wait behind someone turning left, but not above cutting me off so he can do the same thing.

I swear, we ought to be issued weapons on our vehicles.

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