Thursday, November 15, 2007

I think I'm done with Safeway.

I wanted to negotiate the relatively simple task of buying soap tonight. I started at London Drugs. I don't fault them at all. They had lots of soap and it was relatively easy to find. I went there first because I wanted to see how much this fancy, oatmeal soap was. I've used this oatmeal soap in hotels before and thought it was great. I found out that you could buy this Aveeno stuff and it had oatmeal in it. I thought I might buy some.

Not at $4.99 per BAR!

So I went to Safeway. I had to go there anyway, I decided, because I wanted to buy some spring rolls for supper. In hindsight I should have blown off the spring rolls, bought my soap at London Drugs, and called it a night. But I didn't and that was to my detriment.

How the hell can you not have bar soap? I mean honestly!! They had a VERY small selection of bar soap available. There were a few bulk packs of Ivory and again of Dove. That's it. No Irish Spring, no Lever 2000, just this pathetic little display of a couple of packages of this Dove and Ivory. I was looking for Zest, because I've decided that's 'my' brand, and I'm sticking with it whether I'm bored with the fragrances or not. (coming to that decision is a long story I won't bore you with)

So I walk up and down all the aisles in the general soap area and there's no bar soap. This is just retarded. A major grocery store and you can't even buy regular bath soap? I think that's insane. So I think I'm done with Safeway. I will give them another shot after the renovations are done but if the same lack of service and retarded prices continue, I'm going somewhere else. You can't reward incompetence.

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