Thursday, December 27, 2007

Honestly, I shouldn't have to blog about this so often. The rules and guidelines for doing it properly are not that hard to follow. Everyone is supposed to become at least passingly familiar with the process before they are issued a license.

Why can't people park between the lines? When did this become a difficult task?

I'm at Future Shop this morning. Future Shop has cleaned out their parking lot very well, and the lines are easy to see. Nevertheless, in a full lot, some asshole has parked right across a line, insted of between them. And at an angle no less! So this wastes a spot, at a store that can ill afford to have a wasted space. I actually stopped today. I actually stopped and considered kicking the mini van. Realistically, the only thing stopping me was that I wasn't wearing steel toed boots. Had I had steel toes, I think that mini van would have a dent right now.

Then I get to Safeway and all bloody hell has broken loose. The lot has not been cleaned well, so you have to use your discretion to establish where to park. Of course, discretion for the 2000 cars in the lot seemed to mean, park wherever you please. How can you be that dumb? I parked near the end of the row, becuase it was kinda full and I had no patience for driving around looking for a spot that was marginally better. When I come out, more people have parked around me, and its an absolute cluster-bomb. Some guy in a white 1972 Chevy pick-up basically laid it wherever he pleased, turning the row into a serpentine disaster that was next to impossible to get out of. Plus there was Captain Fantastic on my right who'd inexplicably taken the challen of parking as close to me as possible, without removing his mirrors.

Speaking of captains of idiocy, there was the retard in the VW at Future Shop that tried to take my parking spot before I was even out of it. What grade of elementary school do you have to flunk out of to pull a stunt like that? I'm backing out, and this retard is diving into the open space. Nevermind that, at the current time, there was no one else around. So he gets halfway in and now I'm pinned because I needed that space to re-orient and drive away. So I'm cursing him for being a dick and just a hairs-breadth away from getting out to pummel him when he rolls back. I think better of my violence and just drive away.

I am now going to relax and try to forget that the world is full of idiots. If you need me, I'm on the couch.

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