Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hello world!

I'd like to introduce you to someone.

This little guy that you see here in my blog is my new nephew. His name is Grayson Gunnar Bigoraj. That's an awful lot of name for such a small little person but I suspect that he'll grow into it. His feet are already on their way there. Consensus is that Grayson's feet are already bigger than his mom's.

Grayson is not a name that you hear very often. And for that I am glad. A little guy like Grayson needs a way to stand out from the crowd. But don't pick on him too much when his dad explains how he got the name. Some people are named for presidents, while others are named for quarterbacks or cowboys. Grayson was named for a cat, and I'm alright with that.

For those of you that are into statistics, I can tell you the little guy was born at 7 pounds and 4 ounces. That doesn't explain a whole lot to me, because I don't know what a baby is supposed to weigh when its born. I've heard more than Grayson and I've heard less, so I'm going to assume that he's right in the middle.

I've been told he was born at 22 inches long. What I don't understand is why a baby is measured in length, while all the rest of us get measured in height. Perhaps someday one of you can explain to me the rules on measuring people. At what point do you stop being long and start being tall?

I'm kind of late in announcing the little guy's arrival. Grayson was born at 4:24 AM on Tuesday April 8th, 2008. I wanted to post a picture of the guy, to go along with his announcement, but neither the baby, nor his mom, came home until Friday. When you throw in some time for getting the pictures off the camera, we find ourselves on Sunday night.

Grayson and I met for the first time on Saturday. I suspect that he won't remember the encounter. But I am sure that there will be able time for us to get to know each other. As I'm sure there will be a chance for all of you to meet him.

Hey world, say hello to Grayson!!

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