Thursday, May 28, 2009

Did you ever have one of those moments where everything comes into perfect focus, and then you just screw it up?

I was playing hockey tonight. Admittedly, not my best sport but its fun, and I wanted to run around so I joined the league. I didn't set any all-star points but by the same token I would say I didn't embarass myself.

Except for one moment.

The puck is in the opponents end. He's coming out from the corner on my left. He has one guy along the boards at the same depth to pass from, or try to move it up the board. We have one guy going on the ball carrier, and one guy on the player down low. He tries to pass.

I anticipate this perfectly. Its like I could see it about to happen. I run into the middle and sure enough, the opponents pass ends up on my stick. I'm about 20 feet out from the net with no one on me.

And I freeze.

It was such a perfect moment that I wanted to take the perfect shot. So I'm trying to calm the ball on my stick so its perfect to take a shot. And I'm not shooting, and not shooting and not shooting. Its just not perfect enough yet. Finally someone runs at me, and I panic and I fire one harmlessly off the shin pads of the defender running towards me. It was infuriating. We were down two goals and I had a perfect opportunity.

I screwed it up. I can assure you I will not forget that for awhile.

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