Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm gonna be honest about something.

It took some work but I just watched the whole Kanye West/Taylor Swift fiasco on Youtube. Every jack knob and his dog seemed to have posted a video response to the bloody ordeal. This made finding actual footage from the VMA's hard to do. But I watched the coverage from the show and you know what?

I think it was staged.

Everything just played out a little bit too nicely. It was like a puzzle where all the pieces fit together and you had a nice picture of a potted sunflower at the end. We have an ogre-ish villian. There's a sweet, angelic, young princess. Standing in the wings is a flawless queen that can come in and save the day with her almost mystical perfection.

Everyone boos the villian. We all scream for the queen. It plays out like a perfect fairy tale. The story plays out to a much too neat conclusion.

I'm gonna be disappointed if I find out they did this on purpose.

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