Friday, February 26, 2010

Bloq Question Of The Day:

What would happen if you dissolved sugar into diet Coke?

So I did it.

I looked it up on the internet and it said that a regular Coke has 45 g of sugar in it. That didn’t sound like a horrifying number to me, but the web site I got it from seemed to think a person should fall down dying it.

Strange though, when I went to mix up the liquid. I figured that it would be best if I poured a liquid into a liquid, rather than try to dissolve sugar cubes into a cold Diet Coke. I did some math and a sugar cube is about 3.5 g each. So when you do the math, if you want 50 g in the solution, you need to dissolve 15 cubes. That’s a lot of sugar cubes!

I’m sure everyone knows that it’s easier to dissolve things with hot water, so I got 100 mL from the on-demand coffee maker thing we have here. Poured all the water into a pitcher (I used a graduated cylinder to measure the 100 mL) and then dumped in 15 sugar cubes. I was a little dubious about whether this was going to work because just sitting there, I didn’t see a lot of dissolving going on. But the internet said you could actually get 211 g into 100 mL of water, so I had some faith and starting swirling it around. Imagine my surprise when all the cubes disappeared!

Alright, I had 100 mL of sugar water, and I had a Diet Coke. I took a sample taste of each one, just for comparison reasons, and mixed them together. I tried my mixture. The warm sugar water made the mixture less than fridge cold, so I added a couple of ice cubes to make a tasty drink.

Honestly, it didn’t taste fully like a Coke, but it didn’t taste like Diet Coke anymore either. It was definitely not diet anymore. That metallic-like after-taste is completely gone. However, regular Coke tastes a bit syrupy and that element was missing from my concoction. It tastes like a less syrupy than usual Coke. I like it!

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