Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's finally official. I am pissed off enough about this that I'm going to write about it.

Why does everyone ignore me? I don't get it. Perhaps I'm missing some critical aspect of my own behaviour or attitude. Someone is going to have to answer that for me, because from my perspective I'm not doing anything that justifies this behaviour.

There are numerous examples, most of which I'm going to leave out so as to not make this post about any one person. But the infuriating pattern keeps happening and I've about reached my limit with it.

The hard part about reaching your limit with people ignoring you, is that your alternative is to just ignore them. Its a piss-poor option because, if people ignoring you is pissing you off, then obviously you want their attention and ignoring them is a lousy direction to take.

Why am I being ignored? This is the answerless question that haunts me at night when I should be sleeping. What am I doing that makes it so difficult to:

- answer my email
- return my phone call
- leave a salutation when you cease the conversation

All of these things have occurred, and to my extreme exasperation, have been especially prevalent this week.

You send out an email, which specifically requests a response, and the reply is complete, stone-dead silence. Nothing. Not even a 'no thank you'. Just flat up ignore.

You call someone, again specifically requesting a response, and the result is unnerving dead air. I actually asked for a service, and wanted to compensate, and again it was just another pattern of not being worthy of even a, I'm too busy. Why?

And my personal favourite is querying someone about an issue, and leaving a statement out there to be answered, and that's just the end of the discourse. Not an, I don't know. Not a, no thanks. Not even a, have a good day. Just empty, pregnant silence.

Maybe I'm just an enormous prick. I don't think it would be a stretch to think I might be a tad on the needy side. But why is the pattern repeated that I just get nothing back for my effort? Am I just disliked that much that everyone prefers to walk away over having something to do with me?

This is an effort in self discovery for me. I want to understand why I'm not reaching my goals in life. I'm not a terribly social person. I have identified this as a limitation. But constantly having my attempts to engage people, and being met with the stone wall, is not teaching me anything. In fact its making me ragingly angry and on the verge of becoming a militant asshole to everyone. If you thought I was a prick now, you should see what I could do if I'm committed.

I guess, at the end of the this, I'm asking for advice. Being ignored does not feel very good and I'd like it to stop. But clearly I'm exhibiting some kind of personality flaw that makes it easier for people to walk away than to say good bye. So what is it? Enlighten me!

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