Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Update from the world of the lonely:

I changed my dating site profile last night. (Let's all scrap the spirited discussion of whether dating sites are worthwhile, dangerous or outright stupid. We all have our opinions, and I agree with them all (most)) The situation is the way it is, not without trying the more traditional way that didn't work.

I wrote what I thought was a pretty honest, to the point without being abrupt blurb about who I was, and what i wasn't interested in/looking for. The key was to go with honesty. Even if it came out a tad more rough than if I'd paid a speech writer to pretty it up for me.

Count in so far?

Any guesses??

Its two actually. Which greatly trumps the zero I was getting with the old text.

Next step - I need better photos. This has been a Facebook complaint of mine as well. I always seem to be the guy taking the picture, not the guy who's in the picture. Plus I tend to have this appearance on my face like I just had a three-digit rectal exam, and that's a hard sell to use for attracting a lady. Anyone have any 'quote' nice pictures of me they could share?

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