Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Going to the grocery store can be so amusing.

I needed a few things. I wasn't going to die without them or anything but its on my way home so I stopped at Extra Foods.

I thought, I'll buy 500 mL of milk, since I only use it for cereal and I'm only having that two more times this week. Why waste it by getting too much and having it spoil.

I stop at the milk aisle and start surveying the milk to find the one I want. I don't normally pay much attention to the expiry date on milk. I just grab one and go. But I was scrutinizing it closely because I didn't want to intend to get milk, and end up with cream. Since all the cartons were the same size.

The date on the milk, all of the 500 mL milk, was MAR 7. I thought to myself, wasn't that yesterday?

Yup, today's March 8th.

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