Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Hello World!

I posted a Calvin & Hobbes cartoon to this blog this evening.  I found it while searching the internet tonight.  I kinda liked it.  It said something timely, both for everyone and for me.

Today is about new beginnings.  It’s not really, because we carry the baggage of all our previous years with us.  But when the calendar turns a fresh 01/01, it’s easy to believe we can start over.

So I am again going to try and start over.  I will bring with me the lessons I’ve learned on the path I’ve travelled this far.  I will go forward with memories in my mind that can guide me on the new path I will take.  But if I am able, I will attempt to leave behind the wounds and the nightmares that I have always chosen to let plague me.

I did a lot of reading while I was on Christmas break.  And many of these books were dove-tailing towards the same concepts.  You have to learn the lessons from what you’ve experienced, but once they are over, you have to let them go.

Let them go.

I am not one to let anything go.  My mistakes haunt me forever, while I discount my successes that have occurred in the same history.  It is a sad pattern to inflict, but as I’ve learned this is not uncommon among humanity.  And the lesson that goes with it is to stop the nonsense.

Stop the nonsense.

Remember your successes as equal as you would be haunted by your failures.  Neither of which should inhibit you from following a new path into the unknown.  Live life, don’t stay at home watching re-runs of your perceived dismal failure.  You have to get out there, live life, and fill your memory with . . . Memories!  They won’t all be good but to risk failure is to attempt glory.

So I’ll try.  I began writing this blog as a method of searching my soul after waving good bye to someone.  And part of me wants to say that I never learned to live after that moment.  But I know that’s not true, and I’ve lived 10x in the 10 years since I waved good bye, than I did in the almost 30 that came before that moment.  Both pieces of knowledge I will put in the vault, then I will go out to attack this new year with a fresh vigor.

Here I go.  Reborn when I never ceased to exist.  If you happen to catch me along the way, be sure to encourage.  It’s a daring adventure I’ve promised myself but that’s not to say I wouldn’t appreciate a kind word along the way

Hello World!

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