Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Sign Of The Times

I was thinking about a problem this afternoon.  I knew I was going to have to kill about 30 minutes, between the time I left the office and when my official "start" time was for the concert tonight.  I have all this reading that I want to do daily, and the perfect solution would be to do some of if while I was waiting.

I didn't want to take an actual book with me, because there's always the chance I'd lose it/forget it/get it wet or in some way have that going wrong.  However, I try to read one work-related article a day, and my plan for today was to read this PDF file that I had.

The day was winding to a close and I wasn't going to get the PDF read before I left the office.  But how to take it with me, since I didn't have it in iTunes, and there was no simple/easy solution to get it onto my phone so I could read it.

I must have spent 20-30 minutes puzzling over this problem, of having a PDF on file, that I wanted to read while I waited, before I came to the startling revelation that I could just print it out on paper and take it with me that way.

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