Sunday, December 24, 2017

La Connexion Francaise (2017-12-24)

La Connexion Francaise

chaleurs printainières = hot days of spring
enfin = finally
remonter = to go up
au-dessus = over
lourd = heavy
le habit = clothing
la chaleur = warmth
rayonnant = radiant
scintiller = to twinkle
de nouveau = again
érable = maple
se rendre = to go
se rêgaler = to enjoy
le bec = mouth
le terroir = land
bûcheron = lumberjack
la tire = candy
un bac = tub
durcir = to harden
déguster = to savor, to enjoy
un suçon = a lollipop
ne date pas d'hier = is not something new
goût = taste
bouiller = to boil
extraire = extract
enseigner = to teach
le dégel = thaw(ing)
emmagasinées = stored
la racine = root
pendant = during
environ = around
enfoncer = to push in
chalameau = blowtorch
un écoulement = flow
une chaudière = a boiler
suspendre = to suspend
vidée = emptied
au départ = at the beginning
pourtant = however
prélever = to take
menacer = to threaten
la santeé = health
durer = to last
la feuille = leaf
âcre = acrid, sharp
le gel = frost
disponsible = available

Dénombrement en français

Je fais une list de mots long.

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