Sunday, February 04, 2018

La Connexion Francaise (2018-02-04)

La Connexion Francaise

dur = hard, difficult
un métier = job
une layette = baby clothes
surtout = above all
fort(e) = strong
remarquer = notice
par son biais = thanks to him
notamment = especially
en apportant = by bringing
au sein de = inside
décalé = different
sobre = plain, simple
épuré = uncluttered
bref = in short
ouvrir = to open
encore = still
une allure = style
raccourci = shortened
supprimer = to remove
un matière = material
occuper = to hold
une mode = fashion
côtie = moves in, rubs shoulders with
droit = straight
jurer = to swear
mince = slim
à savoir = that is to say
chacune = each

Dénombrement en français

Je jure je souhaite j'etais mince.

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