Monday, October 25, 2004

Grant's Rant - October 25, 2004

I go to Future Shop in September to get an air conditioner that is at a good price. $320 for a 10,000 BTU unit. That's better than the $500 I've seen elsewhere. They don't have any in the store. They will have to order one in. Would I like to make payment to confirm the order? Yes, I want the no-interest, no payment, plan that is available with a Future Shop Credit account. Done and done! I go home to await my A/C unit.

Its now the end of October. No A/C unit. However, Future Shop Credit sends me a statement. We'd like you to make a payment on your air conditioner purchase Mr. Guenther.


I call Future Shop credit. Hi, I'd like to know what the deal is about asking me for a payment on my account when you haven't actually shipped the unit in question.

Their response?

I'm sorry sir, this is Future Shop Credit. We just take your money. We have no interest in delivering your product. Pay us or go talk to your Future Shop store.

Future Shop = GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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