Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Tonight, as I sit here in my living room, watched the Red Sox beat the Cardinals, I find myself contemplating my purpose on this planet. I have a job, but is that who I am? I have a family, is that what defines me? I have friends, but can they put that magical 'it' into the place that seems hollow?

I want something. I can't describe what it is. Its an emotion; a feeling. I know its there, and its absence pains me. But how do I acquire something, when I can't understand it well enough to ask someone for it?

I think I've found a place where I can get it. But its not so easy as just saving the money, and going to the store. It has to be earned. And therein lies the fatal flaw in this experiment they call life. I seem unequipped to cultivate the last remaining piece to the puzzle that is me.


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