Sunday, November 21, 2004

You see, this is why I have such an undying hatred for drunk people.

Concert tonight at Sask. Place (I know, I know, I'll get used to Credit Union Centre eventually). The Tragically Hip were tonight's band de la nuit. Something of an older favorite, as The Hip's popularity seems to have faded into the memory of the people my age. Still a big name in Canadian musical circles, but they just don't have the street cred with the yungin's. And lets face it, its the chillin's that set the bar for what's hot, and what's not.

But I digress . . .

The point I was getting to is, The Tragically Hip are a band for older people. And by older I mean, 30+. We remember who the Hip are, and were, and it makes us nostalgic for our youth. We shell out the bucks to attend their concert. And, as we're now into our 4th decade on the planet, we have a lot of the, mad-fat-cash, that we didn't have in our teen years. This opens up the facility to spend a lot of it on alcohol.

(I promise, we'll get to the drunk people part yet)

The concert was not exceptionally busy. Not that I really expected it to blow me away. It was a given as we began, that the show was not sold out. (on a completely unrelated note, I kinda wish I'd been in the audience. The Hip are a favorite of mine, even if they have faded into insignificance) Estimates were between 5,000 and 6,000. We were well staffed to handle the request for libations.

Now, the Hip come on, and the bars close. This is standard operating procedure. The concourse goes black, and all the food and beverage services shut down for the evening. This darkness is important to note. Everything closes, all the people go away, and I find myself alone at the bar.

(I have to digress again, for another comment that is not salient to my main goal with this post. Are the security staff at Credit Union Center not the most useless bags of snot that ever existed? When you don't need them, they are right there, to enforce a bar closing that some idiot in security just pulled out of his ass. But when the bar management decides they wanna close up shop, the dumb security bastards are a easy to find as a gay lobbyist at George W. Bush's inauguration)

Back to my story . . .

Its pitch black. (remember how I said this was important) I've even gone to the trouble of taking out the flourescent light in the fridge. There's not a soul around on the concourse. I am paying NO attention to the floor, or any possible other people. And they STILL stand at the bar, wait for me to turn around, and want to know if they can have a beer.

Does alcohol make you THAT stupid? This happens every time. The bars close, and there are still idiots roaming the deserted concourse, looking for a way to inebriate themselves. Go watch the damn show! Its the reason you paid all that money to be here. If you just wanted to drink beer, the price of your ticket would have probably bought at least four dozen beer at the liqour store. Not withstanding is the vast number of $5 bills you probably lost to my fellow bar staff, as they served you drinks at the new, and easily divisble, total.

Am I not righteous in my indignation?

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