Thursday, April 21, 2005

I need to get something off my chest.

What's wrong with people? And this is primarily a shot at old people, as they are the ones that are most prone to this behaviour. You go to a fast food establishment, or for that matter, any location that serves its product in a fashion designed for speed. The whole menu is laid out for you, to peruse as you stand in the ever present line.

In my experience there are two types of situations you are likely to encounter in a place lie, for example, McDonalds. Condition A is, its an off-peak time, and you don't have to wait in line. But conversely, the counter staff are not being pressed to be quick, because there is no one else. Thus you have a few moments to examine the choices, and then make a selection. Condition B is, its a rush time, and every till has a line of people. Again, you have time to examine the posted menu, and make a selection.

So why is it then that you can get to the front of the line and either a) not know what you want or b) tell them you don't care, and you'll take whatever.

Condition (b) drives me right up the wall. The god damn menu is right up there for you to see. You had time to look it over. There's no mysteries hidden in it. You've probably been here 100 times before. Just pick something!!! The poor girl at the till doesn't know what you want. Her job is to take your order, place your order, and then deliver the food. All at a premium of time. Consulting with you about your beverage choice is not up to her. Just pick one from the list, tell her, and she'll get it for you. You screw up her whole procedure if she's gotta tell you the merits of all the choices, only to have you come back with, 'oh, I'll just take whatever is easy'


I will never understand humanity. And my frequent attempts to do so serve only to elevate my blood pressure. If you need me, I'll be the guy in the clock tower with his gun oil and a wet rag.

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