Monday, January 16, 2006

I swear the people that work at Future Shop must be retarded.

I bought a dryer. I needed a dryer so I purchased one. However, I'm not a huge fan of doing the laundry so I'm not going to spend a lot of money to be able to do it. Thus I went to Future Shop. I suppose I doomed myself to their incompetence but at the time . . . it seemed like a good idea.

First of all they lose my dryer. How do you lose a dryer!?! I mean COME ON! Its a great big metal thing. It seems impossible to lose. One idiot went back to the store room THREE times and couldn't find it. It took Captain Wizard two trips to the back to eventually find the dryer. I'm standing there like a complete tool because I do want my dryer as these idiots keep going back, time after time, only to tell me its not there. Like I'm going to say 'oh, that's okay, you can just keep my $250.' Morons!

So they do, eventually, find the dryer. They didn't seem real thrilled with me that I insisted that it was back there. But the jackasses had taken my money so they damn well were going to give me my dryer. So what's their genius plan to get it into the back of my sister's truck? Why don't you just pull up front, into the FIRE lane, and we'll load it on there. Oh this is a good idea. Six hundred thousand people are trying to move around in this parking lot and we're going to clog up the fire lane loading a big-ass dryer. That was their genius plan and I was in no mood to spend any more time in Future Shop so we do it.

It still amazes me that they could have such a retarded plan to load a dryer. What if it had been a double wide refrigerator!?!

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