Thursday, August 16, 2007

Things That Piss Me Off:

Do you know what pisses me off? What really gets me wound up to the point where I can’t even think straight I’m so agitated?

Microsoft Word

This piece of crap drives me to distraction. It wants so much to help me out with every single action I want to complete and yet at every turn it completely screws things up and does nothing right. For a program that tries so hard you’d think they’d get at least SOMETHING right.

I have two Word documents. They are proposals. One is an old one, and one is a new one. The new one is being created by changing another, different proposal that was about reverse osmosis. The new one is going to be about ultra-filtration. So I want to copy text from a really old proposal we did about ultra-filtration, into this new one.

I copy text FROM a Word document, into another Word document. Seems easy, right? Just Ctrl-C in one document and Ctrl-V into the second one. It should be identical, because it’s just one document to another. BUT NOOOOO!!!! Word, in its infinite %&$#ing wisdom decides that I couldn’t possibly want the same tabs and indentations that I had originally. Even though, the tabs and indentations of the document I am pasting INTO are exactly the same as the one I’m pasting FROM. Same to same, that makes no sense. So it pastes the selected text with no indentation, and tabbing that has its first one at the center of the page.


Why!?! Why is it so stupid? They say that insanity is repeating the same action, again and again, expecting a different result. Then I guess Word has made me insane. I get mad and I just keep deleting and retrying, over and over again. Somehow, in my fit of anger and rage I believe that somehow a wire has been crossed and Word couldn’t possibly be making this mistake on purpose. If I just try it again it will do what all logic and reason says that it should.

BUT NOOOOO!!!! At every turn it defies me, until I’m a screaming and ranting maniac in my office. I tear at my hair and look for something to pummel. This aggravates and annoys me to such an extent that I’m apoplectic. I need a cathartic release I am so enraged. So I write you an email, in hopes that I can calm down to a point of ration that makes it possible to work on this proposal more.

If you need me, I’ll be installing OpenOffice.

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