Monday, July 13, 2009

This may get me thrown out of the league but I have something to say.

What the hell was wrong with the referees in our ball hockey game tonight?

The team we were playing was clearly a skill level about us. The score was 8-0 late in the second half. The game was over. It was just a matter of time before the clock wound down to zero. The other team was shelling us and had the refs had any god damn decency they'd have shown a little mercy in their calling of the game.

There's a scramble in front of our net. The puck is under our goalies pad. Okay, I will concede that you COULD still see it. But come ON! The score was 8-0 already! Have a bloody heart. Our goalie is down and out. He's flat on his face, just lying there hoping he's covering it. One of our defense is also on the ground. Everyone is out of position. There was every reason they could have just blown the play dead and we could have had a face off.

But NO!! Because you could still see a sliver of ball they decide that its still live and they let these jackalopes dig at our goalie. Get serious! Of course there's gonna be rough stuff when that happens. People get shoved and someone lands right on the goalie's back. End result - he's injured.

I lay the blame squarely on the shoulders of the guys with whistles. They could have, and should have prevented that. The score was out of hand and they had a duty to protect the players from harm not safeguard some asinine concept of 'fair play'.

PISS ON FAIR PLAY! They nearly broke our goalie!!

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