Monday, May 24, 2004

Okay, I have a question!

What is the deal with public restrooms? It would seem that (and rightly so) those damn air blower, hand dryers have gone out of fashion. I do not recall the last time I saw one. At least not exclusively. Also what you don't see much anymore is the linen type. That was kinda nasty. This grunge-y looking thing that a million people had used before you. The most popular equipment for the drying of the hands seems to be the brown paper dispenser.

But what is with the new innovation that has come along with this? An infra-red sensor that you put your hand in front of, and it advances a measured amount of paper. What the hell is up with that!?! You can't tell me that the difference between profitably, and financial ruin is a couple feet of brown paper. Its not like its highly processed. Its never soft, or in any way desireable. Are we really concerned about a couple feet of paper? I feel cheated when I go into the washroom and this thing gives me an A4 sized piece of paper to dry my hands on. I have big hands, I need a big sheet of paper towel!

That's just me. I could be wrong.

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