Sunday, May 09, 2004

We are going to play a new game. If, of course, you, my faithful readers, want to play this game. The context of the game is the absurd value of gas. Now, my consumption of fuel is not all THAT dependent on our fluctuating gas pricing lately. More at fault is the multiple trips I've made to Manitoba. But I digress. To the rules of the game!

I am flabbergasted by the absurd value of my gasoline purchases during this billing period. All of my gas is purchased on a credit card, the balance of which I can check online, as time passes. I did a review of it the other day, and nearly stopped my heart when I saw the total.

So here's the game. Its a stupid game for me to play, given the circumstances, but I like fun, and absurd fun at that, so this could be exciting. Plus the money at stake will make it exhilerating.

The game? Guess my fuel bill. The billing period of my credit card is from April 16th, until May 15th. Your job? Guess, to the penny, the sum of gas purchased, by me, in that period. Your reward for winning, if you manage it? A sum equal to the total of my gas bills.

Entries will be accepted until the arrival of my MasterCard statement, which should come in the later half of the month. To win you must guess the exact amount of my gas purchases.

Have fun, and let the guessing begin!!

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