Wednesday, June 30, 2004

I sold another computer today.

Its kind of unexpected. I didn't get up this morning with any thought of computer sales on my mind. Frankly, it was about the furthest thing possible from my mind. I have 93 different things going on, most of them from work, and I barely concerned myself with computer sales. Except for the occasional fleeting thought of the order that is currently enroute.

My boss invited me for lunch. I bought last time so it seemed like a reciprocal thing. Plus, he mentioned some glowing praise for the completion of the units in Maple Creek. He was really impressed, which made me feel good.

I'm sitting, eating my chicken and sausage (I know, weird combination) and my bosses buddy Greg sits down with us. Murray and Greg exchange greetings, and chat idly. I continue to consume my dead animal flesh. Then, from out of nowhere Greg asks me if I could build a system for him.

I was caught off-guard. I wasn't thinking about computers! But, I'd just put together a package for Central Water, so I had a recent quote in my head. I mentioned the computer I'd just sourced for work, and its $600 price tag, and he seemed agreeable to that. The conversation opened up as I mentioned prices for things like DVD burners, and so on, but eventually everyone migrated to another topic and I was alone with my thoughts.

However, as the noon hour was winding down, and everyone was getting ready to leave, Greg asks me if I'd order that computer for him. GA-FUH!?!?! He didn't want a quote, he wanted a machine. So, I sold a computer, without doing any selling. I will order it tonight, or sometime soon, depending on availability of businesses through this holiday weekend. It is strange how some things go.

Be well my friends. Toodles!

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