Friday, July 02, 2004

I am an idiot.

Canada day for your good buddy Telk was very slow. Slow to the point of noticing moss grow around my unmoving position on the couch in the den. My A/C unit got its first real test and performed well. There is a wicked temperature inversion as you come downstairs. I was impressed.

However, I am an idiot. I watched three movies today. Pirates of the Carribean, Die Another Day, and Lara Croft: Cradle of Life. That was my afternoon. At 8:00 the Britney Spears concert from Miami came on live on Movie Central. I thought that would be interesting to watch. I was incorrect. Somewhere in the first half an hour of the show I fell asleep.

Falling asleep during a Britney Spears concert would not, on its own, make me an idiot. There is a greater purpose beyond my idiot story.

I'm lazy. After a couple of hours of contemplation I decided to buy some food. I wanted a Quiznos sub, I further chose in my period of contemplation. I drove over and got it about 6:30. It was just before 7:00 when I got myself back into bunker mode on the downstairs couch. My dad's grass was still looking a little sickly so I chose to turn the water on again.

Now I think you can see where this is headed. I fell asleep during Britney. It was not, however, Britney's fault. The idiot part comes in where I slept through turning off the grass watering. When I awoke, it was 1:00. I still didn't remember the grass. I decided to go to bed and knowing how my mom feels about windows open while no one is awake, I took the A/C hose out of the window and closed it. I looked outside and noticed the sidewalk was wet. Oh cool, I thought. Its raining, like I predicted. Then I noticed the mall wasn't wet. I mentioned some profanity before running outside to shut the water off.

Surprisingly enough, the story doesn't end there. I went to bed. That much is true. The longer I lay there, the more awake I became. By 1:45 I was bored with lying in the dark so I got up again. Decided against A/C so I instead opened the window for some fresh air. Sat back down and listened to the sounds of nature (and traffic that was still on the streets at 2:00 AM). It didn't sound right. I sat up and sure enough, its raining. 6 hours of watering, all for little point.

I am an idiot.


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