Thursday, June 03, 2004

The place we do not name, may finally have exhausted itself. The beast has grappled with me, for more weeks that I care to count. I have wrestled, and fought with this monster, never gaining anything better than a stalemate.

Now, finally, it may be over. Like the sick pet that you agonize with, as it lives the last days of its life, it has finally fallen, to lie prone on its side. The last few, hollow breaths are escaping, before the husk falls silent, and the pain dies.

The place we do not name is like a cherished pet that must die. You know that it will come, eventually, but in the mean time you must live with that soul destroying sorrow of watching something you cared about, stumble and wheeze its way to the denouement.

I never loved that project, like you would your childhood pet. But it was important to me, and I had a cherished feeling about it. When it began I have visions of it being my, point of pride, project. The one I could hold up and say 'I did that'. But it dragged on so long, and would not bend, yield or give me even an inch of victory. I fought it from beginning to end. Now, as it passes into closure, I do feel a twinge at its passing. It was long past time, and I'm glad that the suffering, for everyone, is over.

Be well my friends.

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