Sunday, May 30, 2004

Okay, someone knew just made 'The List'!!!

I suppose I can't really complain all that much. Its not like I paid for the song. Nonetheless there is still a sensation of indignance, raising itself from the depths of my insides.

I'm listening to this song. The one in question is Usher - Burn. Everything is good and then I hear something, faintly in the background, about half way through the song. Some soothing voice bastard, breathes quietly into the background of the song, "AOL Music, First Listen"

I suppose I can't really fault them for doing it. Downloading music for free on the internet is very hard on their business model, such that it is. Still, I don't think its uncommon for me, or anyone else for that matter, to get annoyed by this stupid ploy. Whether you paid or didn't pay, you don't want your song marred by this stupid corporate branding. Can we please find a fair model between gouge the consumer, and making a reasonable profit?

Just my one thought for the evening.

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