Monday, January 10, 2005

So I'm watching the Core tonight.

I'm not sure how many of you will be familiar with this movie. It was a modest film that capitalizes on all the thrills of your average doomsday movie. Working against it, is the fact this was done already, in the years preceding its release. We had Armageddon, to which The Core most closely resembles. And Armageddon harnessed a far more bankable cast.

I shall skip the ridiculous movie review and get to my point. I turned it on just before we had the obligatory martyr scene. In this particular film, the martyr must leave the safe confines of the titanium worm that is burrowing to the center of the earth and go into a crawlspace, to release a compartment of the ship.

Again, we'll skip my diatribe about why the hell would you spend 20 years designing something and then not notice such a ludicrous oversight? So this guy has to leave the protective cabin of this worm vessel, and push the unlock button. They are at the core, and the temperature out there is thousands of degrees. And of course they have thermal suits but they are only rated to half of the temperature that will be in this crawlspace.

There are some things about this retarded scenario that are just too blatant to ignore.

A suit rated for 4000 degrees is not going to provide enough protection at 8000 degrees, for you to take even three steps.

If by some miracle a 4000 degree suit can do something useful against 9000 degrees, to at least enough that you can get to the button, then why not just wear two suits? Suit A burns off getting to the button, and suit B burns off coming back.

Its entirely possible I think too much . . .

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