Friday, March 17, 2006

Okay, I am officially pissed off now.

I went to a lot of effort, and even more expense, to get myself an attached garage to my house. There was considerable anguish that went into the decision to do this, and then to try and realize the dream. But I did do it, and now it sits in my yard.

And I can't get into it.

I spent nearly an hour this evening, trying to get my truck into the garage. It was to no avail. There is absolutely no way I'm getting in there any time soon. Its all this damn snow! And compounding that is a huge dip in what should be the driveway of my yard. The snow is slippery and I can't get any traction. Then I slide into the dip in the driveway and I can't keep going towards the garage. So I go back, and try again. Over and over its the same thing. Too much slipping and sliding to make it through the small portal that lets me into salvation.

So the damn thing sits in my yard, unused. And thus I'm pissed off.

If you need me, I'll be cursing at the heavens.

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