Thursday, March 16, 2006

Saskatoon drivers SUCK!!!

I had no less than four driving adventures as I came into the city this morning. For those that know Saskatoon, the places named will make sense. For any others, bear with me, as the stupidity knows no geographic bounds.

As I always do, I came in from in the east on College Avenue. I needed to be in the north end, so I had to get onto Circle Drive. To accomplish this there is a merge lane that takes you from College Drive going east-west, to Circle Drive which at that point is going north-south. So I get behind someone on the merge lane. And they come to a complete STOP on the merge lane. WHY!?! There was room to get into traffic. The flow was light. There was no reason to stop, for criminy sake. Nevertheless they did, as I cursed a mean blue streak.

Then I continue around on Circle Drive, as I approach the bridge over the South Saskatchewan River. Some moron comes flying up off the Attridge Drive merge lane. There is a cargo truck ahead in that lane. So with barely a nickel's width of room, this idiot goes Mario Andretti and cuts up into my lane, ahead of me, necessitating brakes and more cursing.

I managed to make it several blocks before another Captain Wizard showed himself. I stop for a light at the Quiznos on Circle Drive and our latest genius pulls a U-turn at the turning of the light, right in the face of oncoming traffic. It was a beat-up looking van so I guess he has nothing else to live for.

Our final act of moronic behaviour followed quickly on the heels of the previous one. The light at Circle and Northridge was clearly red but someone in a red Blazer had a desperate need to be somewhere. So after a hesitation (thus marking this as a conscious decision) the jackass drives through the intersection. Compounding the idiocy, they also made a lane change as they passed through the intersection. The final definition of this ridiculous behaviour is evidenced as I happened to pass Colonel Impatient a block later, as their pushy behaviour put them behind a large truck at the next light, which was not able to get going quickly on the snow covered streets. Just another example of why patience often does win the day.

Suffice it to say, I was glad to reach my destination and stop driving. I didn't think so much stupidity could show itself in one 10 minute period.

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