Wednesday, March 15, 2006

What's the deal with this newest trend in spam advertising? Why is every second email I get an offer for a free gift card to something? And its always American chain stores that are 'supposedly' offering me a free gift card. And if you read the fine print (which I sometimes do just because I'm bored) you'll note that its limited to US citizens only. So why spam the whole world with this crap? The least you could do, as a halfway reasonable human being, is buy a damn mailing list that contained only US mailing addresses. But no, these annoying emails have to go out to the whole world.

Does anyone actually GET a free gift card? Or is the whole thing just another pointless internet scam? I get so tired of the crap that gets perpetuated on the internet. At least with the email jokes that go around, you get a chuckle or a funny picture. But spam just annoys you.

If no one really gets anything, and everyone gets annoyed with the emails, what's the point?

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