Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Blog Question Of The Day:

I went for my daily bike ride today. I finally remembered everything. I had my sweater. I got my stop watch out. Everything was going to be perfect.

I rode out from my house, past the wastewater treatment plant, along the Meewasin Trail to the park house at the end of Whiteswan. It was a fairly uneventful drive. There were only a handful of people out on the trail. I can't decide if it was the time of day or the general lack of warmth that kept the population down.

I was about halfway back when I noticed that the back end of my bike didn't feel right. It was like I was dragging along. I stopped and checked. My bike tire was going flat. This really sucked because it was still a long way from home. I started walking and the bike got even more odd in sensation. The tire was completely flat.

So I had a 30 minute (or so) walk home to consider my options. Its getting late in the season now. Is it work it to fix my bike tire or should I leave it for the spring?

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